Religious Education

Religious Education is a core subject at our school and is taught using the Catholic Primary RE Programme, Come and See. This Programme is used across school, from Foundation to the end of Key Stage 2.

The programme of study, written by a group of experienced Diocesan Advisors, contains child-friendly material, which allows children to explore the teachings of the Catholic church through the use of age appropriate resources and activities.

Each year group has their own list of focus topics to consider throughout the academic year (see Intent below). Topics studied will coincide with the church calendar; however, the depth in which the topic is explored is dependent upon the respective age of the child. For example, during Lent, whilst all children will learn about the plight of Christ, our Early Years children will consider the importance of growing and new life. Meanwhile, Key Stage 1 children explore the effect of change and opportunities, with Key Stage 2 children considering the importance of self-discipline, sacrifice, death and new life.

Each topic is delivered in three distinct sections:


Children begin a new RE topic by learning through shared experiences and making connections between their life experiences and their friends.


This section of each topic shares the mystery of God’s self-revelation of love through Jesus Christ. Pupils are given opportunities to explore the mystery of faith through Scripture and Tradition.


The end of a topic is celebrated either as a class in the form of a liturgy or through a Come & See Assembly presented to parents and the school community.


For an outline of the topics studied across the school, click below:

RE Intent 2024-25: A Yearly Overview

Come And See: An Overview Of Content And Coverage

For ideas of how to support your child’s RE learning at home, click on the link below:

Advent Term 2024 – Parent Letter