Curriculum Intent

Click on the links below to learn more about each Curriculum area.

Please click here to learn more about the Religious Education Curriculum.

Religious Education Intent 

Advent Term 2024 Parent Letter

Across the school, we follow the White Rose Schemes of Learning; as such, our Curriculum is structured based on this Scheme. Please note that our teachers plan for the needs of their class; this means the Intent documents below may not be strictly adhered to.

Mathematics Intent Advent Term 

Mathematics Intent Lent Term 

Mathematics Intent Pentecost Term 

In Nursery, children following Phase 1 of the Letters and Sounds programme. More information can be found here.

In Reception, Year 1 and where required Year 2, we follow the Little Wandle programme. More information can be found here.

From Year 2 to Year 6, children complete weekly Guided Reading sessions. In these sessions, it is expected that children arrive to the lesson having read their group’s assigned pages/chapter. Within a Guided Reading lesson, there are three components:

Component One: Within every class, each group spends approximately 25 minutes of the lesson with an adult, who will ensure the text has been read and fully understood through discussion and questioning. These questions will typically be centered around a particular reading domain.

Component Two: Reciprocal Reading. Each group spends approximately 25 minutes of the lesson engaged in Reciprocal Reading, which is rather like a Book Club discussion. All children are assigned one role each week: Questioner; Summariser; Clarifier; Predictor. The Questioner asks questions to the group, based on the sections of text read; the Summariser will provide a summary of the sections read; the Clarifier will clarify any unfamiliar/subject specific vocabulary with the group to ensure it is understood; the Predictor will provide a prediction of what might happen next, based on the material just read. Throughout, the children are strongly encouraged to enter into deep, meaningful discussions and debate to challenge thoughts and opinions.

Component Three: Independent answering of comprehension questions. Children work independently for approximately 25 minutes to answer 10 comprehension questions. Each week, these questions are focused on the same domain covered in Component One.

To find out more about our Curriculum, please view our Curriculum Matters Newsletters, which you’ll find in the ‘Class Pages’ tab. Alternatively, you may wish to arrange a meeting with your child’s Class Teacher to discuss our Curriculum further.